

     Wearing : Sunglasses – Michael Kors/ shirt – Takko / bag-Frankie’s Garage/ shoes- Ichi/ pants – Qed London / cardigan – Hollys

I tought I’m not gonna make it.Firstly it was so sunny and warm weather,  and then began to wind blows like a crazy . Honestly, sometimes it’s great to have “wind”in a picture,but when you took about 20 pictures in a day and only three to succeed- it sounds bad.

Do you remember when I told you that there will be some changes to the blog,so it will be soon.Stay tuned!
Back to the outfit,black and white is the perfect combination in all circumstances,you’ll never get wrong.
Also important info’s for you guys are that is Fashion Week in Berlin,thanks to the SYLIGHT for all inspirations and for good materials for my blog.I recommend to follow them on instagram and me here.