oooh..That fur

                                                                                       Salut !

the charismatic one 1



the charismatic one

 I wore : fur ,dress / Tk maxx,shoes with diy rivets,smal bag / Clockhous,sunglasses/ Yves Rocher,sweater / Esprit

combine the old stuff to make them look like new.
This is a combination before the snow came.and at the right time, I used to show you how you can combine the old stuff to make them look like new.
Black peplum dres ive combine with grey sweater.I wore black tights becouse it was ´cold,smelled of snow.The fur I bought 2 years ago and i have to say this piece of clothing should have in his closet..
About my diy shoes,i put rivets on heel of the shoe.I hope you like it as much i like.
I´m curious what you think about this outfit?

 with love,